Tuesday, December 24, 2019
Organizational Behavior Essay - 1591 Words
Abstract Organizational Behavior is the study and application of knowledge about how people, individuals, and groups act in organizations. It does this by taking a system approach. That is, it interprets people-organization relationships in terms of the whole person, whole group, whole organization, and whole social system. Its purpose is to build better relationships by achieving human objectives, organizational objectives, and social objectives. Organizations are social inventions for accomplishing common goals through group effort. The basic characteristics of organizations are that they involve the coordinated efforts of people working together to accomplish common goals. They are open systems that take inputs from the external†¦show more content†¦Employees attitudes and behavior will be influenced when there is confrontation or tension in the work place. The five dimensions of personality are:  § Extraversion. Sociable, talkative vs. withdrawn, shy.  § Emotional Stability/Neuroticism. Stable, confident vs. depressed, anxious.  § Agreeableness. Tolerant, cooperative vs. cold, rude.  § Conscientiousness. Dependable, responsible vs. careless, impulsive.  § Openness to Experience. Curious, original vs. dull, unimaginative. Employees learn practical skills to include job-specific skills, knowledge, and technical skills; intrapersonal skills such as problem solving, critical thinking, learning about alternative work processes, and risk taking; interpersonal skills including interactive skills such as communicating, teamwork, and conflict resolution; and cultural awareness which involve learning the social norms of organizations, understanding company goals, business operations, and company expectations and priorities. They can learn these skills through the Operant Learning Theory which works through positive and negative reinforcements. Or the Social Learning Theory which is learned from modelling, self efficacy, and self-management. Understanding personalities is important to a manager to have a successful organization. Values are broad preferences for particular states of affairs. Values tend to differ across occupational groups and across cultures.Show MoreRelatedOrganizational Citizenship Behavior4841 Words  | 20 PagesTable of contents: Page # 1. Literature Review 1 1.1. What are Organizational Citizenship Behaviors (OCBs) 1 1.2. OCB and its link with Organization 3 1.3. How OCB’s are exhibited by employees 4 1.4. Importance of OCB 5 1.5. Effect of OCB on employees 6 2. Introduction to Organization 6 2.1. Allied Bank Limited 7 2.2. Meezan Bank Limited 7 2.3. First Women’s Bank 7 2.4. MCB 7 3. 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Monday, December 16, 2019
Dr. Strangelove Free Essays
653 Throughout Dr. Strangelove, there are examples of a variety of leaders and leadership styles or lack thereof. A majority of the characters in this movie obviously have a difficult time being effective leaders. We will write a custom essay sample on Dr. Strangelove or any similar topic only for you Order Now It is apparent from the beginning of the movie, particularly the scene where Mandrake enters Rippers office. There are obvious issues with his Rippers mental capabilities. Ripper, because of his position, at some point must have been an excellent leader, appears to have lost his sense of reality and become paranoid. This became clear when he convinced himself that the Russians had infiltrated the water system, which are the causing him ill effects. Because of his delusions and paranoia, Ripper put his country at risk of a disaster confirming that he is incapable of still leading. On the other hand, Mandrake appears to be a sufficient leader and makes every attempt to reassure Ripper and try to obtain the code to stop an unnecessary attack on the Soviet Union. Throughout the movie, Mandrake appears to be the most competent leader and in the end confirms this by deciphering a code that prevented all but one of the bombings. Buck Turgidson sees himself throughout Dr. Strangelove as a superior officer and leader. Proven repeatedly through the movie Turgidson exhibits an enormous ego and has a questionable sense of leadership. He seems more occupied with his personal life and his paranoid beliefs of the Soviet Union than leading his saving his own country. The president in this film, Merkin Muffley, is an interesting portrayal of a United States President. Muffley shows no exceptional leadership skills but does seem to have the ability to make his own decisions. However, there are points while in the war room that make his leadership skills questionable. The conversations between the president and Dmitri Kissof, for instance, definitely show a submissive side of Muffley. However, he does seem to redeem himself in several scenes when making appropriate decisions in effort to halt the bombings. Col. ‘Bat’ Guano appears to be a strong leader and commander. During the scene of Mandrakes capture the colonel is forceful however shows the skill to accommodate Mandrake. This is apparent when the Colonel fires upon the soda machine to assist Mandrake in acquiring enough change to contact the president. A leader like this is an asset in any situation, especially this one. Soviet premier Dmitri Kissof is a humorous portrayal of any type of leader. Kissof, portrayed to be a drunken leader, is more interested in his personal amusement rather than leading his country. During the scene where the president is speaking to Kissof, it becomes apparent that instead of ruling his country, he is enjoying a party and listening to loud music. While pilot Maj. T. J. Kong is not one of the main leaders in Dr. Strangelove however, he is an imperative leader. His leadership skills are far superior compared to a greater part of other leaders in this movie. Examples of his superior skills, exhibited in the last few scenes, Major Kong risks his life to repair the bomb doors in his plane, resulting in his riding the bomb to the ground for detonation. Finally, Dr. Strange-love is not particularly a leader but more of an information source. Although it is apparent through the few scenes he appears, that at one time, he was an important asset to the Nazi’s and some sort of scientist but now was an important source of information regarding the doomsday device. In the end, the few good quality leaders were essential in the successful return of all but one bomber. Unfortunately, this last bomber also had a great leader who was determined to complete his mission, and succeeded in his bomb detonating. Dr. Strangelove certainly reveals different leaders and the detrimental effects poor leadership can result in. Works Cited Dr. Strangelove or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb. Screenplay by Stanley Kubrick. Dir. Stanley Kubrick. 1963. Columbia Pictures, 2004. DVD How to cite Dr. Strangelove, Papers
Sunday, December 8, 2019
Kelli Essay Example For Students
Kelli Essay There is a very special person in my life named Kelli; she has had an amazing impact on my life. Ive learned so much from her such as how to treat everyone equal, and how to never give up. Her beautiful personality never stops astonishing me. If the world lacked people like Kelli, it would me a very rude and non-interesting place to live. Kelli overcomes lifes obstacles in an everyday situation its like she has more strength than Superman. At a young age she was diagnosed with a staff infection that killed her pancreas, now she was diagnosed with Diabetes. At the age of 16 Kelli also found out she has a disc problem in her neck and the doctors told her physical activities were not a good for it and will put her in a gigantic amount of pain, but she wouldnt quit that easily. Even with the doctors word not to play the rest of the basketball season Kelli said I will never quit that shows signs of weakness, and she completed the season. Though all of these obstacles Kelli is still strong and will never not perform to her hull ability. One thing that makes a person great is their personality; this is something that Kelli dose not lack. You can ask anyone that knows Kelli and they will all say Kelli personality is wonderful. I have been really close to Kelli for almost a year and I have never seen her be rude or unpleasant to anyone or anything. No matter what it could be I have never seen Kelli deny helping other people. For example this year their was a blood drive in school, and not caring if she would get sick due to her diabetes she said I would be sick for a few days to help someone in need of blood. She never looks at anything in a bad way, she always finds the best possible way to analyze her life. If you are having a bad day just go visit Kelli and she will brighten up your day by just being around her beautiful personality. Words/ Pages : 368 / 24
Saturday, November 30, 2019
Market Research in Business free essay sample
Bubble tea is originated in tea shops in Taiwan during the 1980s, which consist of pearl milk tea and other similar tea and juice beverages. The tea and the flavoring was shaken vigorously to produced frothy bubbles in the beverage. Bubble tea begins its international recognition spreading from Taiwan to other Asian countries before travelling to North America via the Asian community in Vancouver and the West Coast. Now bubble tea can be found across the country. The competition of bubble tea is very stiff in Singapore due to the ease of entry as starting capital, labor and equipment cost are low, specialized knowledge is also not really required. There we can find bubble tea shops everywhere from shopping malls to housing estates. Apart from the famous bubble tea brandings like Sweet talk and KOI, there are still many other small ones, and with the presence of so many bubble tea brandings and choices, none of them is large enough to dominate the industry. We will write a custom essay sample on Market Research in Business or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page With the high level of competition, more ideas to improve business is needed from advertising, promotions to other services. As of today, one of the services provided by a few bubble tea companies will be deliveries. And according to our background research, many of these delivery services are made with requirements of minimum purchase or within their range of service. Therefore, our client is now considering the possibility of enhancing the service in targeting households. This will be classified under existing products; new markets under the Strategic Framework For Market Research In Business Expansion as show in figure 1. 1 Figure 1. 1 Strategic Framework For Market Research In Business Expansion [pic] Aims and Objectives The overall aim of the study is to measure the profitability of delivering bubble teas to household. The three specific objectives include; ) To examine how popular bubble teas are needed in household settings 2) To identify attitudes of our clients delivery service and their competitors 3) To identify how our clients delivery service can adapt to customers needs Below are the further details under each objectives 1) To examine how popular bubble teas are needed in household settings This objective will look into the need of bubble teas in household. It will establish on the frequency of households consuming bubble teas and the number of cups of bubble teas that are consumed each week. It will also look at on what occasions or celebrations will bubble teas be more welcomed. Most importantly this objective will also attempt to identify what should constitutes the target audience. 2) To identify attitudes of our clients delivery service and their competitors This objective will look into which group of households are more likely to consume bubble teas. Under this objective, it will give an indication of what type of bubble teas are usually preferred and how much more will they be willing to pay for delivering services. It will also establish what other bubble teas delivery services from competitors are they aware of in order to prompt awareness for our client. 3) To identify how our clients delivery service can adapt to customers needs The last objective will look into the need of our clients customers and potential customers, what are their needs and expectations regarding the deliveries of bubbles teas to their house and what our client can do in order to achieve higher level of customers satisfaction.
Tuesday, November 26, 2019
Battle of Malvern Hill - Civil War Battle of Malvern Hill
Battle of Malvern Hill - Civil War Battle of Malvern Hill Battle of Malvern Hill: Date Conflict: The Battle of Malvern Hill was part of the Seven Days Battles and was fought July 1, 1862, during the American Civil War (1861-1865). Armies Commanders Union Major General George B. McClellanBrigadier General Fitz John Porter80,000 men Confederate General Robert E. Lee80,000 men Battle of Malvern Hill - Background: Beginning on June 25, 1862, Major General George B. McClellans Army of the Potomac was the subject of repeated assaults by Confederate forces under General Robert E. Lee. Falling back from the gates of Richmond, McClellan believed his army to be outnumbered and hastened to retreat to his secure supply base at Harrisons Landing where his army could shelter under the guns of the US Navy in the James River. Fighting an inconclusive action at Glendale (Fraysers Farm) on June 30, he was able to gain some breathing room for his continued withdrawal. Retreating south, the Army of the Potomac occupied a high, open plateau known as Malvern Hill on July 1. Featuring steep slopes on its southern, eastern, and western sides, the position was further protected by swampy terrain and Western Run to the east. The site had been selected the previous day by Brigadier General Fitz John Porter who commanded the Union V Corps. Riding ahead to Harrisons Landing, McClellan left Porter in command at Malvern Hill. Aware that Confederate forces would have to attack from the north, Porter formed a line facing in that direction (Map). Battle of Malvern Hill - The Union Position: Placing Brigadier General George Morells division from his corps on the far left, Porter placed the IV Corps division of Brigadier General Darius Couch to their right. The Union line was further extended to the right by the III Corps divisions of Brigadier General Philip Kearny and Joseph Hooker. These infantry formations were supported by the armys artillery under Colonel Henry Hunt. Possessing around 250 guns, he was able to emplace between 30 to 35 atop the hill at any given point. The Union line was further supported by US Navy gunboats in the river to the south and additional troops on the hill. Battle of Malvern Hill - Lees Plan: To the north of the Union position, the hill sloped down across open space that extended from 800 yards to a mile until reaching the closest tree line. To assess the Union position, Lee met with several of his commanders. While Major General Daniel H. Hill felt that an attack was ill-advised, such an action was encouraged by Major General James Longstreet. Scouting the area, Lee and Longstreet identified two suitable artillery positions that they believed would bring the hill under crossfire and suppress the Union guns. With this done, an infantry assault could move forward. Deploying opposite the Union position, Major General Thomas Stonewall Jacksons command formed the Confederate left, with Hills division in the center astride the Willis Church and Carters Mill Roads. Major General John Magruders division was to form the Confederate right, however it was misled by its guides and was late in arriving. To support this flank, Lee also assigned Major General Benjamin Hugers division to the area as well. The attack was to be led by Brigadier General Lewis A. Armisteads brigade from Hugers Division which was assigned to move forward once the guns had weakened the enemy. Battle of Malvern Hill - A Bloody Debacle: Having devised the plan for the assault, Lee, who was ill, refrained from directing operations and instead delegated the actual fighting to his subordinates. His plan quickly began to unravel when the Confederate artillery, which was strung out back to Glendale, arrived on the field in piecemeal fashion. This was further compounded by confusing orders that were issued by his headquarters. Those Confederate guns that deployed as planned were met with fierce counter-battery fire from Hunts artillery. Firing from 1:00 to 2:30 PM, Hunts men unleashed a massive bombardment that crushed the Confederate artillery. The situation for the Confederates continued to worsen when Armisteads men advanced prematurely around 3:30 PM. This keyed the larger assault as planned with Magruder sending forward two brigades as well. Pushing up the hill, they were met by a maelstrom of case and canister shot from the Union guns as well as heavy fire from the enemy infantry. To aid this advance, Hill began sending troops forward, though refrained from a general advance. As a result, his several small attacks were easily turned back by the Union forces. As the afternoon pressed on, the Confederates continued their assaults with no success. Atop the hill, Porter and Hunt had the luxury of being able to rotate units and batteries as ammunition was expended. Later in the day, the Confederates began attacks towards the western side of the hill where the terrain worked to cover part of their approach. Though they advanced farther than the previous efforts, they too were turned back by the Union guns. The greatest threat came when men from Major General Lafayette McLaws division nearly reached the Union line. Rushing reinforcements to the scene, Porter was able to turn back the attack. Battle of Malvern Hill - Aftermath: As the sun began to set, the fighting died out. During the course of the battle, the Confederates sustained 5,355 casualties while Union forces incurred 3,214. On July 2, McClellan ordered the army to continue its retreat and shifted his men to the Berkeley and Westover Plantations near Harrisons Landing. In assessing the fighting at Malvern Hill, Hill famously commented that: It was not war. It was murder. Though he followed the withdrawing Union troops, Lee was unable to inflict any additional damage. Ensconced in a strong position and backed by the US Navys guns, McClellan began a steady stream of requests for reinforcements. Ultimately deciding that the timid Union commander posed little additional threat to Richmond, Lee began dispatching men north to begin what would become the Second Manassas Campaign. Selected Sources History of War: Battle of Malvern HillBlue Gray Trail: Battle of Malvern HillCWPT: Battle of Malvern Hill
Friday, November 22, 2019
A Streetcar Named Desire - Scene Three Plot Summary
A Streetcar Named Desire - Scene Three Plot Summary The Poker Night Four men (Stanley Kowalski, Mitch, Steve, and Pablo) are playing poker while the ladies (Blanche and Stella) are having an evening out. Playwright Tennessee Williams describes the men as in the physical prime of their life; they drink whiskey and each of their shirts has its own bright, distinct color. Stanleys first line in this scene betrays his aggressiveness: STANLEY: Get yr ass off the table, Mitch. Nothing belongs on a poker table but cards, chips and whiskey. Mitch seems more sensitive than the other men. He considers leaving the poker game because he is concerned about his ailing mother. (An interesting point about Mitch: He is the only unmarried man in the group.) The Ladies Return Stella and Blanche arrive home at around 2:30 am. Intrigued by the gruff man and their poker playing, Blanche asks if she can kibitz (meaning that she wants to spectate and offer commentary and advice about their game). Stanley wont let her. And when his wife suggests that the men quit after one more hand, he roughly slaps her thigh. Steve and Pablo laugh at this. Again, Williams shows us that most men (at least in this play) are crude and hostile, and most women begrudgingly tolerate them. Mitch and Blanche Flirt Blanche briefly encounters Mitch, who is just emerging from the bathroom. She asks Stella if Mitch is a wolf, someone who will take advantage of her emotionally and sexually. Stella doesnt think that he would behave that way, and Blanche begins to wonder about Mitch as a romantic possibility. Mitch excuses himself from the poker table and shares a cigarette with Blanche. MITCH: I guess we strike you as being a pretty rough bunch. BLANCHE: Im very adaptable - to circumstances. She also talks about her career back in her hometown. She states, I have the misfortune of being an English instructor. (Personal note: Since I, too, am an English teacher, I find this line hysterical!) Blanche turns on the radio, hoping to dance with Mitch; however, Stanley (who has become increasingly enraged by Blanche and her distracting ways) throws the radio out the window. All Hell Breaks Loose After Stanley trashes the radio, fast-paced and violent action ensues: Stella calls Stanley a drunk - animal thing.Stanley beats Stella.Blanche screams My sister is going to have a baby!The men restrain Stanley and toss him in the shower.Blanche rushes Stella to the neighbors apartment. Within moments, Stanley, soaking wet and half-drunken. He suddenly realizes that Stella has left him. STELL-LAHHHHH!!!!! In this famous moment, Stanley stumbles out to the street. He begins to call for his wife. When she does not come down to him he begins to shout her name repeatedly. The stages directions indicate that he calls to her with heaven-splitting violence. Touched by her husbands desperate, animalistic need for her, Stella walks down to him. According to the stage directions, They come together with low, animal moans. He falls to his knees on the steps and presses his face to her belly. In many ways, this moment is the antithesis to the famed balcony scene from Romeo and Juliet. Instead of Romeo (as stage tradition holds) climbing up to his love, Stella walks down to her man. Instead of a romantic lead spouting eloquent poetry, we have Stanley Kowalski yelling at the top of his lungs, repeating only one name, like an ill-tempered boy calling for his mother. After Stanley carries Stella into their home, Blanche meets Mitch once again. He tells her not to worry, that the pair truly cares about each other. Blanche marvels about the confusing nature of the world and thanks Mitch for his kindness.
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Discuss the representations of Queen Elizabeth I in contemporary Essay
Discuss the representations of Queen Elizabeth I in contemporary literary works and art - Essay Example She had come to the throne following the death of her half-sister Mary in 1588. It can be seen on the Art Web site Steven van der Meulen. It was possibly painted as part of Elizabeth’s quest for a husband as it was common to send such pictures to possible suitors. Earlier there had been the beautiful coronation portrait by an unknown artist, now in the National Portrait Gallery, in which she holds firmly the symbols of her power – the orb and sceptre. There are many more portraits of the Queen further on in her reign. Two portraits of 1565, linked to the web page Portrait of Elizabeth I, show her as almost masculine, perhaps because it was necessary to emphasize that this young woman was as capable as a male monarch. John Bettes the Younger painted a stern picture in the1580s. The queen’s gown, as in many other portraits, is covered with symbolic meaning – Tudor roses. In her hand she holds a staff with the fleur de lys at the top – symbol of the connection with France. In the Rainbow portrait by Isaac Oliver, now to be seen at Hatfield House, she is posing as Astraea, a virginal heroine. Her gown is richly embroidered with English wild flowers. Her pearls are a symbol of virginity and the crown symbolizes her royal status. The crescent above her crown is symbolic of the goddess of the moon. On her left arm is a snake, symbolizing wisdom and in its mouth a ruby, which represents the queen’s heart – the queen’s wisdom holds her emotions in check. The celestial sphere again is a symbol of wisdom and shows again that the Queen is in control of nature. All these works can be seen on the web pages ‘Portrait of Elizabeth I’. These are only a sample of many visual depictions. One of the most famous literary references to Elizabeth is in Spenser’s ‘Faerie Queen’ where she, as well as being in several allegorical roles, appears as the queen of the fairies. Fairies in Elizabethan times were not thought of
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
European Single Currency Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words
European Single Currency - Essay Example Prior to its launch there were ambiguities but after the launch all the issues quickly disappeared and Euro within no time became a favorite among the citizens residing in European Countries. Roughly around 320 million European citizens use the currency and find it really amazing and beneficial in more ways than one. Euro is used in almost all the European Countries but there are still exceptions like Denmark and United Kingdom who still use their own currencies, the British pound is used in United Kingdom and the DKK better known as the Danish Krone is used in Denmark. One of the biggest advantages of Euro is that it saves a lot of time and effort of the travelers who choose to travel with Europe. For instance if there is a Soccer game in Spain which a Greek citizen wants to witness, he/she can just straight away catch a flight and reach the Soccer stadium in Spain and watch the game. There is no need to covert the currency into some other currency. The same has resulted in saving a lot of time and effort of the European Citizens. This was not the case prior to the introduction of Euro. The people had to exchange money every now and then to meet their demands but after the introduction things have changed for better. Another major advantage is the clarity in prices whenever an European citizen travels to another European country it becomes very easy to compare and buy the products of his/her choice; this facility was not available to the citizens prior to the launch of the Euro. Earlier even if a Tourist wanted to buy a product desperately, he/she was made to think thrice about it because of the different currencies within Europe but these days there is transparency in prices with regard to the currencies and this has only happened because of the introduction of the Euro. Euro has brought in a lot of Economic and financial stability, a Businessman is much less prone to risk when using Euro as his/her currency. Single currency keeps the inflation rate under a good check, which is extremely important for an economy and the Euro does exactly that. It keeps interest rates and the rate of inflation under check hence it can be said that the Euro plays a pivotal role in maintaining the economic growth of the European nations. "Having a single currency and an economic and monetary union strengthens Europe's role in international fora and organizations like the International Monetary Fund, World Bank, and Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development." (The Euro & You, 20 October 2008). Euro strengthens the position of all the European countries, having a single currency helps a lot in the growth of the country and in this particular case Europe on the whole. Euro is very frequently used in international trade; it has very quickly become a part and parcel of the lives of many businessmen who carry out trade at large scales. Countries also have started using Euro as the currency for International trade. "A single currency makes Europe a strong partner to trade with and facilitates access to a genuine single market for foreign companies, who will benefit from lower costs of doing business in Europe." (The Euro & You, 20 October 2008). The investors get a lot of positive things by using the Euro as their currency; they get more access to liquid financial markets and also they get a
Saturday, November 16, 2019
Talent planning in organisations Essay Example for Free
Talent planning in organisations Essay Before an organisation is able to carry out talent planning activities there are a few contingencies and factors that could affect the business in resourcing talent affectively. One of the main factors to consider is the location of the business. The location could mean there is a lack of talent or abundance. For example an IT company would attract the best talent from either Silicon Valley or Bangalore, however if the company is based in Glasgow how will the convince the best talent to come and move there. A second factor is the budget. This is an issue for smaller or start-ups. Not having the right amount of budget or having no budget means you are restricted to the resources you can use to attract the best talent such a specialist recruitment agencies or advertising on industry specific job boards as they can be quite costly. Business objectives a further more factor. As one of the objectives of the company would be to have good retention of staff however that might mean if they doing a good job of the retention of staff they might not necessarily need to hire new staff. Lastly whether a company is growing or expanding is another factor. If a company is expanding than this will have to be taken into account however if a company is not expanding will increasing or atleast attracting talent be made more difficult? As potential employees will want to work for a company that is growing and not one that is shrinking or making cut backs. While a company is thinking about recruiting talent they also need to realise the benefits and strengths of having a diverse work force. For example one of the benefits is you will attract more skills and strengths with a diverse work force. BY recruiting from only one region for example you could not get the expertise of someone who might be in the same industry from a different region who would know the market better. As a result of this another benefit is getting different points of view. By ensuring you have a diverse work force you are able to get new eyes on a problem and find better solutions. A third and final reason is who that you are recognised as an employer of choice where by you can in the long run attract better talent as you have a diverse work force to begin with. Although a company needs to recruit and they have been able to attract the talent, when it comes to the right selection there a number of factors which can affect this. For example the time limits, when a company has a job role that needs to be filled quickly due to how pivotal the job is to the organisations day to day running it can mean due to the time limit they might make the wrong decision. Another factor is the types of skills and the culture. Although on paper the candidate might seem the best and has experience sometimes some skills are not measurable until the person is working for the company and as a result even though you might have made the right decision based on paper in reality they might not be the best person for the job. And finally the last reason would be for the type of role. Some roles are really specific to a certain industry, you might be able to attract the talent but due to there being such a specialist in the field you might not be able to select the exact person as there is no set process to decide who the right fit will be for the roles due to the nature of the role.
Thursday, November 14, 2019
Scarlet Letter Essay -- Literary Analysis, Hawthorne
After the death of Nathaniel Hawthorne’s character Dimmesdale from the book the Scarlet Letter, there have been many theories about the cause of his death. Some literary analyzers claim that his guilt was the cause of his death. Others say that Roger Chillingworth, a physician, poisoned him with Atropine and Scopolamine. In Nathaniel Hawthorne’s book The Scarlet Letter, Dimmesdale’s guilt appears to be the cause of his death, but his symptoms point towards Atropine and Scopolamine poisoning. In The Scarlet Letter, all the symptoms Dimmesdale experiences provide evidence that he is poisoned with Atropine and Scopolamine. The action of gripping hard at the breast leads readers to believe that Dimmesdale is poisoned with Scopolamine and Atropine. Gripping hard at his breast is a cardio vascular symptom which is associated to Scopolamine and Atropine poisoning. Shafer points out that â€Å"he was often observed, on any slight alarm, to put his hand over his heart, with first a flush and then a paleness, indicative of pain†(qtd. in Hawthorne 88). Scopolamine and Atropine poisoning causes pain in the chest therefore Dimmesdale’s symptom is one of chronic intoxication. Shafer quotes Hawthorne saying how the gripping of the chest â€Å"had now become a constant habit, rather than a casual gesture, to press his hand over his heart†(qtd. in Hawthorne 88). Because Dimmesdale forms the constant habit of putting his hand over his heart, it shows that he constantly has pain in his chest and is being gradually poisoned. Other symptoms of Scopolamine and Atropine poisoning that Dimmesdale experiences are gait disturbances, tremors, and convulsions. Shafer mentions that Dimmesdale has a nervous â€Å"despondency in his [Dimmesdale’s] air†¦Ã¢â‚¬ (qtd... ...n occur. If overdosed, Atropine can cause very serious consequences but fatalities from Atropine poisoning are very rare but can occur in adults and children. Atropine is the safest alkaloid of all the potential alkaloids. Since death caused by Atropine alone is very rare, the fatal dose has not medically been discovered. If ever overdosed, the side effects of dry mouth, blurred vision, photophobia, anhidrosis, and constipation are unavoidable. Although The Scarlet Letter makes readers believe that Dimmesdale died of guilt, there is enough medical evidence to prove that he was poisoned by Scopolamine and Atropine. Not only is there enough evidence of the poison, there is also evidence on how Chillingworth caused his death. All in all, Dimmesdale’s death in The Scarlet Letter was caused because of Scopolamine and Atropine poisoning by Roger Chillingworth.
Monday, November 11, 2019
Theories of Psychological Development
Developmental psychology is the scientific study of human changes across their life span. It is important to study psychological development to understand how and why people go through certain changes throughout their life. There are many different areas of psychological development. Two main areas are perceptual development and emotional development. They both have theories that can be related, but before you can understand the relations, you must first understand the two theories. The theory of perceptual development was created by an American Psychologist named Eleanor Gibson. It states that perceptual development is the process of an infant exploring its constantly changing environment and deciding what to do and how to act with the newly found information. Affordance exploration is also a key feature of perceptual development. Gibson believed that affordances are visual clues to the functions of an object. An example could be a person climbing a ladder. The infant could examine how the ladder needs to have a stable base and lean against a certain object to keep from falling down. When affordances are found, differentiation starts to occur. Gibson’s definition of differentiation is basically the ability to discriminate different environments. If you look back at the ladder example, the infant uses affordances to see the ladder needs support to stay upright. Then the infant uses differentiation to see a person is more safe standing in the middle step of a ladder than the top step. As the infant experiences more and ages, it becomes better at differentiation. Emotional development is based around a theory called the attachment theory which was created by a British psychiatrist named John Bowlby. The attachment theory is the act of developing an affectional bond with someone who is considered a caregiver (Bowlby’s definition was â€Å"a lasting psychological connectedness between human beings†). It is crucial for a child’s behavior in the present and future to have an attachment relationship with a caregiver. Bowlby stated that for an attachment to be strong, four characteristics need to be present: proximity maintenance (the desire to be in the presence of the caregiver), safe haven (returning to the caregiver when feeling unsafe), secure base (considering the caregiver as a source of security) and separation distress (feeling anxious when the caregiver is not present for an extended period of time). Bowlby believed that strong attachment relationships develop after the caregiver and child become closer. Mary Ainsworth (a previous student of Bowlby) was an American Psychologist who believed that there are three types of attachments: secure, avoidant and resistant. A secure attachment is formed when the caregiver is used as a safe home and the infant feels less safe when the caregiver is absent than when they are present. An avoidant attachment is basically the opposite of a secure attachment. It is when the caregiver is considered a stranger by the child and they try to avoid the caregiver as much as possible to feel safer. A resistant attachment is a lot more complex than the other types of attachments. It occurs when the caregiver is unresponsive to the child’s needs making them feel unsure what they want or need which makes them feel unable to count on their caregiver. There are some relationships between the theory of perceptual development and the attachment theory. According to the two theories, both require a responsible caregiver for a child to have a proper and healthy development to be able to experience affordances and to have the right caregiver provide the environment to do it in. Also, your caregiver could be responsible for a child not learning certain affordances which could affect them in their future life. Another way to look at it is if a caregiver never provided the chance for the child to experience affordances related to a job that requires experience in, say, the construction industry, then they will struggle psychologically in the future to earn that job or any job that they may want. Perceptual and emotional development are both very important to a child’s psychological development. It is important to understand the two main theories behind them to learn what is required for a child to develop healthy and normally to live the life that they want to live.
Saturday, November 9, 2019
Obedience To Authority Essay
The Vietnam controversy made many people feel at distress. It was never considered a â€Å"war,†although that is exactly what it was. The My Lai Massacre in Vietnam was one of the many atrocities of that war. There is an unquestionable connection between Milgram’s â€Å"Obedience to Authority†and the My Lai Massacre. According to Kelman & Hamilton, â€Å"Unquestioning obedience has been the cause of such disasters as the My Lai massacre and the Holocaust. People need to resist the dangerous web of influence from strong personalities in fields such as politics, religion and the mass media who become the objects of their idolatry. To become less susceptible to the irrational persuasive power of such personalities, individuals should develop a sense of self-respect and practice critical thinking†(Kelman & Hamilton). In cases such as the My Lai Massacre, the soldiers were not just following the thoughts of a politician or religious figure. They followed their military leader, the same person they counted on for leadership and survival. â€Å"Soldiers are trained to always follow orders, never question orders (When I say jump, u you say how high). But that belief is somewhat erroneous, the charge to the soldier is to obey any lawful order given (Schwalbe). â€Å"Absolute obedience, although not wholeheartedly embraced in official military pronouncements, is nevertheless unanimously praised in combat context (Peppers). Some military scholars call the modern version of military discipline â€Å"enlightened obedience.†Enlightened obedience springs from a belief on the part of the subordinate that his superior’s orders are authoritative and valid (Peppers).†A classic example of the power of authoritative factors is provided by Stanley Milgram’s study on obedience to authority. College students from Yale University were asked to participate in an experiment to test the effects of punishment on learning. They were willing to continue administering what they thought were increasingly higher levels of shocks to another subject (actually an actor) simply because the experimenter (Milgram) said to do so. The results, in fact, were so unbelieveable that they made Milgram one of the most famous social psychologist. About 65 percent of the subjects continued to obey the experimenter to the end of the experiment even when they thought the victim was getting dangerous levels of electric shock, and even when he asked them to stop So what exactly does the My Lai Massacre have to do with Milgram’s experiment? The My Lai Massacre of 1968, in which a company of American soldiers poured automatic rifle fire into groups of unarmed villagers, killing perhaps 500 people, many of them women and children†(Hammer). Those soldiers were obeying orders from a superior officer. â€Å"It passed without notice when it occurred in mid-March 1968. Yet the brief blood bath at My Lai, a hamlet in Viet Cong-infested territory 335 miles northeast of Saigon, may yet have an impact on the war. According to accounts that suddenly appeared on TV and in the world press last week, a company of 60 or 70 U.S. Infantrymen had entered My Lai early one morning and destroyed houses, livestock and all the inhabitants that they could find in a brutal operation that took less than 20 minutes. When it was over, the Vietnamese dead totaled at least 100 men, women and children, and perhaps many more, only 25 or so escaped, because they lay hidden under the fallen bodies of others. (Schawlbe) Military men said that stories of what happened at My Lai are correct. If so, the incident ranks as the most serious atrocity yet attributed to American troops†(Hammer). Isard said, â€Å"I see men who obeyed the leaders of their country, then lost themselves†. The My Lai Massacre was planned. â€Å"Planned, how could it have been planned? A recon patrol, perhaps, was planned, maybe even a search and destroy mission: Burn the villages; interrogate the villagers, and all that. But a massacre? Strategies are planned. Brutalities just happen†(Isard). â€Å"Obedience to Authority†Stanley Milgram described the â€Å"agentic shift in which an individual attributes responsibility for his or her actions to a person in the position of authority.†In the My Lai Massacre the men felt it was their duty to open fire on the village. They were given orders to do just that. There was no questioning of orders from Cally, their superiour. The soldiers must have done as they were told, or incur sever consequences. Soldiers are taught from their first moments in Boot Camp that orders must be obeyed. The way in which the My Lai Massacre was particularly a case of over obedience to the military, is that the men that committed the massacre were ordered to do so. They did not decide on their own to destroy a bunch of people. They were following orders from military authoritative figures to destroy My Lai. What does this mean? Its clearly a case of over obedience to military authority. The men had two choices. They could obey a command and kill hundreds of innocent people, or they could disobey a command and face a possible consequences from the courts. In actuality they didn’t have a choice. many of the soldiers in Vietnam were there because of the draft, they however in their eyes, served their country to their best of their knowledge. They went bravely into battle and they did what had to be done. In the case of the My Lai Massacre, they were following orders just as they had done in many other times in the war. Only this time, the orders were to kill hundreds of villagers, not the Viet Cong, not the enemy. There were women and children in that village. They were gunned down mercilessly. For what reason? They were ordered to do so. The soldiers had an obligation, a duty to obey their superiors. That is what makes the military so successful. Soldiers not ask questions; they merely obey orders. In this instance the orders went too far. Hundreds of innocent people were killed in the name of following orders. Is this any less an atrocious because the men were ordered to fire on the village of My Lai? No. Were the men doing this for personal gain? No. Were they doing it out of hatred or in defense? No. Many of the people in the village were women and children. The soldiers had nothing against those people In this instance the village of My Lai was a case of death by over obedience of the American army. Was what they did right or wrong? In the eyes of most people, including the participants, the action was wrong, but they could not be faulted because they were simply following orders. Works Cited Hammer, Richard One Morning in the War: The tragedy at Son My. Coward-McCann NY 1970 Isard, Walter., ed. Vietnam: Issues and Alternatives. Schenkman . Cambridge MA: 1969 Kelman, Herbert C.; Hamilton, Lee V. Crimes of Obedience. New Haven: Yale University Press. 1989 Milgram, Stanley. â€Å"The Perils of Obedience.†Writing and Reading Across the Curriculum. 7th ed. By Laurence Behrens and Leonard J. Rosen. New York: Longman, 2000. 343-355 Miller, Heather. â€Å"Stanley Milgram†http://muskingum.edu/~psychology/psycweb/history/milgram.htm Peppers, Donald A. â€Å"War Crimes and Induction: A Case for Selective Nonconscientious Objection.†Philosophy and Public Affairs, Vol. 3, No. 2. (Winter, 1974), pp.129-166. JSTOR Middlesex County College Library, Edison. 29 Nov. 2000 http://www.jstor.org Schwalbe, David. â€Å"The My Lai Massacre.†American History. 1998 http://americanhistory.about.com/homework/americanhistory/library/weekly/aa031798.htm
Thursday, November 7, 2019
Circumstances that Led to WWI essays
Circumstances that Led to WWI essays The assassination of Archduke Francis Ferdinand triggered World War I. However, the war had its origins in developments in the 1800's. The chief causes of World War I were the European Alliances, nationalism, imperialism, and militarism. The alliance system was one of the last factors to emerge before the war. Consequentially, the contributions of this system to the beginning of the Great War have to be considered. Although the alliance system was a main cause of the First World War, it arose because of several other factors, and did not cause the war single handedly. Nationalism was the next major long-term cause of WWI. Nationalism involved all those who shared a common language, history and culture. It was a strong feeling of support for ones own nation. Nationalists believed that the needs of their nation were more important than the needs of other nations. Nationalists were so proud of their nation that they wanted it to be the richest and most important and recognized as such. Such strong feelings made the countries very aggressive towards other nations and quite unforgiving if their nation had been offended. It was nationalism that encouraged Givrilo Princip to shoot dead the Austrian heir. Nationalism greatly blew up the tension and had an influence in causing WWI. Another cause of WWI was imperialism. Imperialism is the desire of nations to own colonies and form an empire. European countries had been taking over colonies throughout the world since the fifteenth century. From 1870 on there was an unwritten competition to take over parts of the world they had earlier considered not worth colonizing. Britain and France, and Germany and France had almost gone to war over clashes in North Africa. Italy resented France because they prevented the setting up of Italian colonies, and the British and Russians clashed over who should have control in Persia, but were both worried that Germany would take land in the ...
Monday, November 4, 2019
Analyzing Dr. Martin Luther King And Malcolm X Vision For Equality And Freedom From Racism In The 1950s And 70s
Analyzing Dr. Martin Luther King And Malcolm X Vision For Equality And Freedom From Racism In The 1950s And 70s Malcolm X and Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr both had a vision of equality and freedom from oppression for the African-Americans during the 1950s to 1970s. Although sharing a vision, they differed in background, religion, and opinions whether racial inequality should be approached with active and immediate change making (Haley Malcolm X, 2001) or with passive change making and peace. King and Malcolm X grew up in disparate backgrounds. Malcolm X (originally Malcolm little) was born in Omaha, Nebraska on May 19 1925. He grew up with 7 siblings and a father (Earl Little) who was a Baptist minister and took part in civil rights activism (Haley Malcolm X). His father was under constant death threats from his activist movements and therefore his family was regularly moving until his house in Michigan was burnt down and his father killed by white supremacists (Haley Malcolm X, 2001). As a result, his mother was sent to a mental institution when suffering an emotional breakdown (Haley Malcolm X, 2001). Malcolm and his siblings were split among various orphanages and foster homes (Haley Malcolm X, 2001). At his age of 20, 1946, Malcolm was sentenced 10 years in prison for burglary but was released after 7 years on parole for good behavior (Haley Malcolm X, 2001). While he was in prison, he developed a curiosity for teachings of Nations of Islam (NOI) leader Elijah M uhammad. By 1952 Malcolm was a devoted Muslim with a new surname ‘X’ as he considered ‘Little’ as a slave name (Haley Malcolm X, 2001). Later, owing to his outstanding leadership characters, he was appointed as a minister and national spokesman for the NOI (Haley Malcolm X, 2001). He manipulated the media well to spread the teaching of the NOI, increased the NOI’s membership from 500 to 30000 in 11 years and found the Muslim Mosque, Inc. (Haley Malcolm X, 2001). Martin Luther King Jr was born on January 15 1929, Atlanta Georgia. He grew up in a stable family with his 2 siblings and his father also a Baptist minister who protested against segregation. Although suffering depression during his teenage years and made a suicide attempt, he received a substantial high school education and graduated college with a B.A degree in sociology, later received a Bachelor of Divinity and a Ph.D. degree on 1955. He decided to serve as a Baptist minister as he had an â€Å"inner urge to serve the humanity†(Wikipedia, Martin Luther King Jr) King and Malcolm X differed in the context of their teaching. King encouraged his followers to follow a non-violent approach towards equality and show love and understanding for their enemies which was to result in a racially harmonized and a peaceful society (i.e. the ‘Brotherhood’). On the contrary, Malcolm X had ideas of non-violent approach being a deception to keep black people under oppression and being defenseless. He believed in a society of black supremacy and separatism. King and Malcolm X had contrasted in the methods of approach towards equality. King organized several boycotts and demonstrations with the emphasis on peace and non-violence as he believed that violence is self-defeating and also said, quoting the Bible: 2) â€Å"those who live by the sword will perish by the sword†in the Montgomery Bus Boycott interview. For example: ‘Montgomery Bus Boycott’, and ‘Freedom Rides’ were protests where, under King’s lead, violence and retaliation were in absence. In contrast, Malcolm X urged his followers to defend themselves against aggression â€Å"by any means necessary†. Malcolm X also said (during an interview at the University of California, Berkeley) 3) â€Å"send the guerrillas to Mississippi†so that the black victims of violence can have armed protection. King and Malcolm X had differed in their attitudes towards the white people who oppressed them as they differed in religion and thought. King (based on his Christian faith and Mahatma Gandhi’s non-violent resistance) had an attitude of forgiveness, brotherhood and 1) â€Å"turning the other cheek†(bio, Martin Luther King Jr. Biography, 2016) (i.e. not resisting or revenging your enemies but letting them do what they do). Hence King had an attitude of love, forgiveness and acceptance towards those who oppressed the black people. On the other hand, Malcolm X (as he was taught by an Islam leader, Elijah Muhammad) saw the white men as the evils that, his God, ‘Allah’ would later destroy and punish. Hence, he saw the black people as superior and people who need to be separated from the white people. Therefore he had a bitter attitude towards any white people as he believed in black supremacy and as he said: â€Å"he’s (white man) only brotherly when he wants to exploit you, exploit, oppress.†(YouTube, MALCOLM X INTERVIEW AT UC BERKELEY) King and Malcolm X took part in movement groups with opposing ideas. King was a member of ‘The Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee’ (SNCC), ‘Southern Christian Leadership Conference’ (SCLC) and ‘National Association for the Advancement of the Colored People’ (NAACP). These organizations were non-violent, peaceful groups that mostly organized peaceful marches. In contrast, Malcolm X was a part of the ‘Nation of Islam’ (NOI) until he left in 1964 with intentions to create Black Nationalist party. Although he didn’t take part, he supported the idea of ‘Black Power’ movement for its idea of retaliation for self-defense. King and Malcolm X had a similarity in their goals of ending oppression for the black people. Malcolm X, as it says in his autobiography: â€Å"My ultimate goal is to bring about freedom, equality, and justice for black people in USA, complete respect and recognition as human beings.†(Haley Malcolm X 2001) Therefore Malcolm X wants justice and equality. King, as he said in his I have a dream speech: â€Å"I have a dream that one day this nation will rise up and live out the true meaning of its creed: We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal. I have a dream that one day on the red hills of Georgia, the sons of former slaves and the sons of former slave owners will be able to sit down together at the table of brotherhood.†Hence he calls for equality. He also said: â€Å"I have a dream that one day even the state of Mississippi, a state sweltering with the heat of injustice, sweltering with the heat of oppression, will be transformed into an oasis of freedom and justice.†(American Rhetoric, Martin Luther King Jr. I have a Dream) Here he calls for freedom and justice. Therefore, both Malcolm X and King had a vision of justice, freedom and equality for the oppressed black people in the USA. Malcolm X and King, although very different, both worked towards civil equality based on the teachings they had interest in and which they studied thoroughly and taught their beliefs on how equality was to be achieved through media and public speeches . Malcolm X was inspired by the NOI leader, Elijah Muhammad’s mentoring of white people being the evils of the world as the white society aspired to keep black people from achieving political, social and economic success (Haley Malcolm X, 2001). This set him on a mindset of retaliation, achieving equality â€Å"by any means necessary†(Haley Malcolm X, 2001) and a sense of black superiority. King studied Mohandas Gandhi’s resistance method of non-violence and non-retaliation (i.e. Gandhian technique) which was successful during the British oppression in India from 1800s. Also as a minister, King took in the Christian concept of non-retaliation (i.e. 1) â€Å"turning the other cheek†) (English-Korean study B ible Matthew 5.39). The Gandhian technique and his Christian belief gave King the confidence in power of love for the enemy, and the attitude of 1) â€Å"turning the other cheek†In conclusion, as Malcolm X and King both wanted equality for the oppressed African-Americans, they approached their vision in contrasting methods and beliefs. It was obvious that they differed in opinion as they experienced opposing childhoods, backgrounds, studies and religion. But they both aspired to achieve a free, justified and equal society for everyone in America by spreading their ideas using media and speeches. Addendum By â€Å"turning the other cheek†in page 3 and 4, it means that when someone slaps you in your cheek let them slap the other side by turning the other cheek. This was from one of the teachings from Jesus Christ. He figuratively meant that when someone attacks you or harm you, don’t retaliate but rather let them do what they do because retaliation would only bring even more violence and harm, create enemies, and also because revenge is up to God (Do not take revenge, my dear friends, but leave room for Gods wrath, for it is written: It is mine to avenge; I will repay, says the Lord. Romans 12:19) On page 2 and 3, the phrase â€Å"Those who live by the sword will perish by the sword†is a verse from Jeremiah 44:12. This verse summarizes up King’s attitude towards achieving equality as the verse means that those who work their way with injustice, violence or any other deceiving methods will come to a downfall from the same method. Hence King believed that should civil equality be achieved by violence and retaliation the equality would soon be disturbed by violence and retaliation. â€Å"Send the guerrillas to Mississippi†on page 3 was a statement made by Malcolm X. By guerrillas he probably meant the armed civilian Black Power workers. He said this as he was aware of the brutality that African-Americans were receiving in Mississippi, a Southern state in the US, and as he wanted to stop the brutality.
Saturday, November 2, 2019
DEPRESSION Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
DEPRESSION - Research Paper Example Sleeplessness, feelings of helplessness and hopelessness, Loss of interest in daily activities, Appetite or weight changes etc are some of the major symptoms of depression. Depression can be treated effectively with the help of a psychologist and a psychiatrist. This paper analyses various dimensions of depression. Depression Depression is one of the major psychological diseases which prevent people from leading a normal life. Most of the psychological disorders originated from depression. It is difficult to assess how severely a person is affected by depression. Unlike physical diseases, psychological diseases cannot be assessed with the help of any laboratory testing. The major symptoms of depression can be witnessed in the behaviors of the patient and the severity of the disease can be assessed only through the evaluation of the behavioral pattern of the patient. Chronic depressive patients may cause physical injuries to themselves and others. â€Å"It has been estimated that per haps somewhere between 10 and 30 percent depressives and manic depressives kill themselves†(Klein, & Wender, 2005, p.1). Even though the actual causes of depression is still unknown, psychologists believe that heredity and environment plays an important role in making a person depressive. ... Many of them may not sleep well and mood changes occur to them constantly and continuously. It is difficult for depressive patients to concentrate longer on a particular topic. They often complain about unrealistic problems they are facing. For example, it is quite possible that a depressive patient may complain about body pain, head ache etc even though they have no such real problems. Fatigue or tiredness can be witnessed in every activities of a depressive patient. Depressive patients often avoid the company of others and they will try to lead a lonely life. Anxiety is another major symptom of depression. Causes of depression Heredity and environment are the major reasons which contribute heavily to the psychological disorders like depression. A person with family history of psychological disorders is more vulnerable to depression. Same way, a person living in a tough environment can also develop depression. According to Chan et al (2010), â€Å"as many as 38% of cancer patients suffer from major depression, with a mean of 24% and median of 22%†(Chan et al, 2010, p.46). In other words, many of the chronic physical diseases can contribute to the development of depression among people. Man is a social animal who likes to interact with others. These interactions often create stresses in the minds of a person. Personal, family, social and professional commitments of the current generation are more than that of the older generation. The failure in fulfilling these commitments may often make the person depressive. Klein &Wender (2005) have mentioned that depressive illness is often triggered by a real event like the death of a loved one (Klein, & Wender, 2005, p.13). It is possible that people develop close relationships with some others.
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