Tuesday, December 24, 2019
Organizational Behavior Essay - 1591 Words
Abstract Organizational Behavior is the study and application of knowledge about how people, individuals, and groups act in organizations. It does this by taking a system approach. That is, it interprets people-organization relationships in terms of the whole person, whole group, whole organization, and whole social system. Its purpose is to build better relationships by achieving human objectives, organizational objectives, and social objectives. Organizations are social inventions for accomplishing common goals through group effort. The basic characteristics of organizations are that they involve the coordinated efforts of people working together to accomplish common goals. They are open systems that take inputs from the external†¦show more content†¦Employees attitudes and behavior will be influenced when there is confrontation or tension in the work place. The five dimensions of personality are:  § Extraversion. Sociable, talkative vs. withdrawn, shy.  § Emotional Stability/Neuroticism. Stable, confident vs. depressed, anxious.  § Agreeableness. Tolerant, cooperative vs. cold, rude.  § Conscientiousness. Dependable, responsible vs. careless, impulsive.  § Openness to Experience. Curious, original vs. dull, unimaginative. Employees learn practical skills to include job-specific skills, knowledge, and technical skills; intrapersonal skills such as problem solving, critical thinking, learning about alternative work processes, and risk taking; interpersonal skills including interactive skills such as communicating, teamwork, and conflict resolution; and cultural awareness which involve learning the social norms of organizations, understanding company goals, business operations, and company expectations and priorities. They can learn these skills through the Operant Learning Theory which works through positive and negative reinforcements. Or the Social Learning Theory which is learned from modelling, self efficacy, and self-management. Understanding personalities is important to a manager to have a successful organization. Values are broad preferences for particular states of affairs. Values tend to differ across occupational groups and across cultures.Show MoreRelatedOrganizational Citizenship Behavior4841 Words  | 20 PagesTable of contents: Page # 1. Literature Review 1 1.1. What are Organizational Citizenship Behaviors (OCBs) 1 1.2. OCB and its link with Organization 3 1.3. How OCB’s are exhibited by employees 4 1.4. Importance of OCB 5 1.5. Effect of OCB on employees 6 2. Introduction to Organization 6 2.1. Allied Bank Limited 7 2.2. Meezan Bank Limited 7 2.3. First Women’s Bank 7 2.4. MCB 7 3. 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Monday, December 16, 2019
Dr. Strangelove Free Essays
653 Throughout Dr. Strangelove, there are examples of a variety of leaders and leadership styles or lack thereof. A majority of the characters in this movie obviously have a difficult time being effective leaders. We will write a custom essay sample on Dr. Strangelove or any similar topic only for you Order Now It is apparent from the beginning of the movie, particularly the scene where Mandrake enters Rippers office. There are obvious issues with his Rippers mental capabilities. Ripper, because of his position, at some point must have been an excellent leader, appears to have lost his sense of reality and become paranoid. This became clear when he convinced himself that the Russians had infiltrated the water system, which are the causing him ill effects. Because of his delusions and paranoia, Ripper put his country at risk of a disaster confirming that he is incapable of still leading. On the other hand, Mandrake appears to be a sufficient leader and makes every attempt to reassure Ripper and try to obtain the code to stop an unnecessary attack on the Soviet Union. Throughout the movie, Mandrake appears to be the most competent leader and in the end confirms this by deciphering a code that prevented all but one of the bombings. Buck Turgidson sees himself throughout Dr. Strangelove as a superior officer and leader. Proven repeatedly through the movie Turgidson exhibits an enormous ego and has a questionable sense of leadership. He seems more occupied with his personal life and his paranoid beliefs of the Soviet Union than leading his saving his own country. The president in this film, Merkin Muffley, is an interesting portrayal of a United States President. Muffley shows no exceptional leadership skills but does seem to have the ability to make his own decisions. However, there are points while in the war room that make his leadership skills questionable. The conversations between the president and Dmitri Kissof, for instance, definitely show a submissive side of Muffley. However, he does seem to redeem himself in several scenes when making appropriate decisions in effort to halt the bombings. Col. ‘Bat’ Guano appears to be a strong leader and commander. During the scene of Mandrakes capture the colonel is forceful however shows the skill to accommodate Mandrake. This is apparent when the Colonel fires upon the soda machine to assist Mandrake in acquiring enough change to contact the president. A leader like this is an asset in any situation, especially this one. Soviet premier Dmitri Kissof is a humorous portrayal of any type of leader. Kissof, portrayed to be a drunken leader, is more interested in his personal amusement rather than leading his country. During the scene where the president is speaking to Kissof, it becomes apparent that instead of ruling his country, he is enjoying a party and listening to loud music. While pilot Maj. T. J. Kong is not one of the main leaders in Dr. Strangelove however, he is an imperative leader. His leadership skills are far superior compared to a greater part of other leaders in this movie. Examples of his superior skills, exhibited in the last few scenes, Major Kong risks his life to repair the bomb doors in his plane, resulting in his riding the bomb to the ground for detonation. Finally, Dr. Strange-love is not particularly a leader but more of an information source. Although it is apparent through the few scenes he appears, that at one time, he was an important asset to the Nazi’s and some sort of scientist but now was an important source of information regarding the doomsday device. In the end, the few good quality leaders were essential in the successful return of all but one bomber. Unfortunately, this last bomber also had a great leader who was determined to complete his mission, and succeeded in his bomb detonating. Dr. Strangelove certainly reveals different leaders and the detrimental effects poor leadership can result in. Works Cited Dr. Strangelove or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb. Screenplay by Stanley Kubrick. Dir. Stanley Kubrick. 1963. Columbia Pictures, 2004. DVD How to cite Dr. Strangelove, Papers
Sunday, December 8, 2019
Kelli Essay Example For Students
Kelli Essay There is a very special person in my life named Kelli; she has had an amazing impact on my life. Ive learned so much from her such as how to treat everyone equal, and how to never give up. Her beautiful personality never stops astonishing me. If the world lacked people like Kelli, it would me a very rude and non-interesting place to live. Kelli overcomes lifes obstacles in an everyday situation its like she has more strength than Superman. At a young age she was diagnosed with a staff infection that killed her pancreas, now she was diagnosed with Diabetes. At the age of 16 Kelli also found out she has a disc problem in her neck and the doctors told her physical activities were not a good for it and will put her in a gigantic amount of pain, but she wouldnt quit that easily. Even with the doctors word not to play the rest of the basketball season Kelli said I will never quit that shows signs of weakness, and she completed the season. Though all of these obstacles Kelli is still strong and will never not perform to her hull ability. One thing that makes a person great is their personality; this is something that Kelli dose not lack. You can ask anyone that knows Kelli and they will all say Kelli personality is wonderful. I have been really close to Kelli for almost a year and I have never seen her be rude or unpleasant to anyone or anything. No matter what it could be I have never seen Kelli deny helping other people. For example this year their was a blood drive in school, and not caring if she would get sick due to her diabetes she said I would be sick for a few days to help someone in need of blood. She never looks at anything in a bad way, she always finds the best possible way to analyze her life. If you are having a bad day just go visit Kelli and she will brighten up your day by just being around her beautiful personality. Words/ Pages : 368 / 24
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